Tithing and Tale of an Ungrateful Lover

“I’m going to give ten percent of what I earn in the future to the church.” Between Christians and non-Christians, tithing is definitely murky waters lying between us. This would be an optimal moment to quote bible verses on tithing, but none seem to come to mind. Instead, an old folktale from the Ming dynasty slowly drifts into my train of thought.

Siren: Pt 3

“I’m crying because of all the bad people in the world. Stay away from them,” Lewis said half-jokingly as he stood to get up. He picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Should I stay away from you?” The question caught Lewis off-guard. He hesitated before responding. “No,” why couldn’t he believe himself? “You have no reason to stay away from me.”

Siren: Pt 2

He slipped behind a building and changed his clothes. The change he felt beyond the clothes, however, felt more tangible than the garments themselves. He felt an instant surge of confidence, superiority, comfort, and assurance. Every ounce of shame that clung onto him had been stripped, fallen away with the rest of his rags. He felt important – incredible.

The Barter

What is your treasure? Where do you look for it? This is a story of a man who ventures out to find his fortune, only to be met with dissatisfaction and failure. But what he ultimately gains is beyond his imagination.